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新乡市中信化工有限公司,是一家技术主导型企业,集科研、生产、销售、服务与一体,专业从事葡萄糖酸钠,麦芽糊精等淀粉糖以及亚硝酸钠,硝酸钠,硝酸钙等硝酸盐类的专业生产厂家。 本公司设备先进,技术精良,并拥有一支高素质的员工队伍,多年来一直致力于客户的优质服务,产品销往全国各地。公司位于京广、新焦、新荷铁路、106与107国道交叉区域,交通十分便利,地理位置优越。目前已发展成一个集科、工、贸为一体,有机精细化工生产装置,固定净资产3000万元、年产值1亿元,税收超百万、综合性、现代化的化工企业。我公司生产工艺先进,技术力量雄厚,拥有一流的生产设备,现代化的仪表监控系统和检测设备。具有先进的企业管理模式,完整的质量管理体系和质量保证体系。
 公司坚持以“可靠的质量,优良的服务,崇高的信誉”为宗旨,历年被市、区授予“AAA级信用单位”“消费者信得过单位”“无假冒、无欺诈、无不正当竞争企业”等称号,中信化工将以崭新的经营理念和企业价值观,注重先进的生产管理手段,注重人力资源和自然资源的合理配置和整合,不断提升产品品质和服务质量,追求卓越。为中国现代化民族工业的崛起和发展,增砖添瓦,自强不息,勇往直前。 我们真诚欢迎国内外各界朋友与我们合作,共谋发展,共创未来!

     Xinxiang Zhongxin Auxiliary Chemicals Co.,Ltd  is an expert company which produce Sodium gluconate, maltodextrin, starch sugar, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate salts etc. The company is dominated by technology, and we integrate RD, Produce, Sales, and Service into an effective organization to supply the best service to our customers. We have both high-quality talent and dozens of advanced facility to produce the excellent product for the world. The advanced management model and impeccable quality control system make us obtain the high quality certification.
   We persevere in Reliable Quality, Excellent Service, and Sublime Corporate Reputation to be our core purpose, and we will keep improving our management skills, upgrade our facilities to make our product suit for the customer preferably.
 We sincerely welcome all partners to cooperate with us for developing a batter tomorrow!